Copyright FAQs

Who Owns the Copyright on a Photograph?

Ooh – this is an easy one. The photographer is the owner of the copyright on any photographs that they take.

The only exception is when the photographer has transferred ownership of the image to another party. Please note that transferring ownership is different than granting someone a license to use that photograph. According to US copyright law, this transference needs to be in writing and signed by the original owner (the photographer).

What if I hired a photographer?

Sorry – unless you have a signed agreement specifying that you own the copyright, they would still be the owner. Most photography contracts will grant the paying party license to use the images, but not transfer the ownership. You can always ask them to transfer ownership or grant you license to sell the image after the fact.

What if there is a model in my images?

The photographer is still the owner of the copyright. That being said, if you want to sell a picture of a model, you would need them to sign a model release.

Do I need to register my images?

Lazy people rejoice! Your image is protected the moment you press the shutter button; there is no need to register your work to get copyright protection. That being said, if you anticipate trouble, registering your image with the US Copyright Office can make it easier to handle disputes.

What do I do if someone is selling my images?

If you believe someone is selling your work on FilledFrame, please contact our copyright team at Please refer to our Section 11 of our Terms of Service for more information.


We’re photographers, entrepreneurs, and engineers – not lawyers. While we did our homework, the information contained here is for information only and not to be construed as legal advice. To get definitive answers to any questions, please contact a copyright attorney (sorry).

The information presented here is based on US copyright law. While laws in other countries may be similar, there can be variation based on jurisdiction. Please consult local resources for details on copyright protections outside of the United States.

Last Updated: March 13, 2025