Sales Ideas
FilledFrame makes selling prints quicker and easier than ever before, but...
You still need to be the one selling prints. Don't worry though, we are here to help every step of the way, with videos, resources, and support.
With FilledFrame, you don't have to worry about justifying all of the time and money you spent setting up and hosting a gallery (since we are quick, easy, and free-to-use). You can do as much, or as little, as you feel like. Feel free to test the waters.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Add to Your Bio
Adding "Share any post to @filledframe for prints" to your bio lets everyone visiting your page know that prints are available. It also adds a link your followers can click to visit our page and important resources, like our explainer videos.
Prints Now Available Video
When you sign up with FilledFrame, we will put together a short video for you to let your followers know that prints are available, and how to get a quote.
(trouble viewing the video? - click here)
This video can be leveraged in the following ways:
- Post to your social media channels - on Instagram these work best as a Reel.
- The last frame (before the collapse animation) is designed to work as a cover for your Reel. The key elements will also fit in your profile grid.
- Pin to your profile - to let anyone visiting your page know that prints are available, right when they have all of your posts in front of their eyes.
- Share as a Story - Stories give you another chance to engage with your followers, and get your video in front of a larger audience.
- Save Story as a Highlight - this is another way to get the message out to anyone viewing your page. Bonus points for requiring less valuable page real estate than pinning a Reel.
- Add a voice over - If you are someone who regularly lets your followers hear your voice, replacing the music in our videos with your own voice-over can be very effective.
- Edit away - We think our videos are pretty slick, but if we accepted your application or invited you to be a beta tester, chances are you have some pretty solid content-creation skills yourself. Feel free to pop our video into your editor to produce your own even-more-compelling content.
Adding something to the effect of, "If you are interested in purchasing a print, share this post to @filledframe for a no-obligation quote" to the captions on your posts can capture the attention of anyone viewing your content, whether they are following you or not. This can also be done in the comments instead of the caption.
If people are messaging you about a specific post, that could be a great time to let them know that prints are available. If someone specifically asks about purchasing prints, you can always request a quote from us yourself, and then share it them through your own DMs (instead of having us send it to them).
Final Thoughts
Of course, these are all just suggestions. You know your followers better than we do, and are likely to have other ideas that work really well.